Accesorio para la impermeabilización de cubiertas y terrazas

La línea Eterno ofrece productos para la impermeabilización, como por ejemplo bujías, exhaladores y ángulos, completamente pensados y realizados con material compatible sea membranas bituminosas y sintéticas.

Company closure from August 12th to 16th

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Architexture 2024 - Bologna

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Sustainability Report 2023

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Eterno Ivica among Italy's 1000 best companies

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A new important collaboration: Eterno Ivica with Treedom

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Eterno and Liquid to raise the quality of buildings

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Eterno - Accesorio para la impermeabilización de cubiertas y terrazas

Company closure from August 12th to 16th

Architexture 2024 - Bologna

Sustainability Report 2023

Eterno Ivica among Italy's 1000 best companies

A new important collaboration: Eterno Ivica with Treedom

Eterno and Liquid to raise the quality of buildings